Monday, March 18, 2019

Manicure Monday...3/18/19

That is Bonita nail polish "The hostes with the mostest" on almost all the nails. The accent nail is Bonita " A penny for your thoughts". I love the color combo. It is a simple design but still pretty! What do you think?

-Gladis Xiomara

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nails, Nails, Nails...

I'm into nails right now...can you tell me how you think I'm doing???

-Gladis Xiomara

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Where the F*** have I been?

So I haven't made any YouTube videos in years and here is why. I basically gave up because I compared myself to other people. I was looking at my channel and didn't really see anything changing. I wasn't getting a lot of subscribers. If you have ever made and edited videos before you know that it is hard work. I would say it was a part-time job but I was not getting anything out of it. No money because I didn't have enough subscribers to be able to make money to keep the channel alive. I thought why am I going to keep doing this if I'm not getting anything out of it and it's hard work and it's expensive to just keep buying new products. So I did what many people do. I gave up. Another thing was that I didn't WANT to do it anymore. I didn't get anything out of it so I just didn't make any videos anymore. So I thought now I have to do a giveaway and spend all this money when I really don't even want to make any videos anymore. So like I said I gave up. So why am I telling you all this now? Cus I want to say to all of my subscribers that I'm sorry I just fell off the face of the earth. That I'm happy that you have not given up on me and my channel and that soon I will do what I said I was going to do. I gotta pick out the stuff I'm going to give away. My channel will be more about my life, not just about makeup, travel and crafting. I want to do more vlogs so you guys can get to know me better if that is what you want to do. I have changed not a lot but I feel like I'm more mature now. Also, there are so many things I want to tell yall. I have changed my life although it took a lot for me to do that. I'm excited to share stuff with you. Let's be friends again!!! See you soon...