Monday, March 18, 2019

Manicure Monday...3/18/19

That is Bonita nail polish "The hostes with the mostest" on almost all the nails. The accent nail is Bonita " A penny for your thoughts". I love the color combo. It is a simple design but still pretty! What do you think?

-Gladis Xiomara

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nails, Nails, Nails...

I'm into nails right now...can you tell me how you think I'm doing???

-Gladis Xiomara

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Where the F*** have I been?

So I haven't made any YouTube videos in years and here is why. I basically gave up because I compared myself to other people. I was looking at my channel and didn't really see anything changing. I wasn't getting a lot of subscribers. If you have ever made and edited videos before you know that it is hard work. I would say it was a part-time job but I was not getting anything out of it. No money because I didn't have enough subscribers to be able to make money to keep the channel alive. I thought why am I going to keep doing this if I'm not getting anything out of it and it's hard work and it's expensive to just keep buying new products. So I did what many people do. I gave up. Another thing was that I didn't WANT to do it anymore. I didn't get anything out of it so I just didn't make any videos anymore. So I thought now I have to do a giveaway and spend all this money when I really don't even want to make any videos anymore. So like I said I gave up. So why am I telling you all this now? Cus I want to say to all of my subscribers that I'm sorry I just fell off the face of the earth. That I'm happy that you have not given up on me and my channel and that soon I will do what I said I was going to do. I gotta pick out the stuff I'm going to give away. My channel will be more about my life, not just about makeup, travel and crafting. I want to do more vlogs so you guys can get to know me better if that is what you want to do. I have changed not a lot but I feel like I'm more mature now. Also, there are so many things I want to tell yall. I have changed my life although it took a lot for me to do that. I'm excited to share stuff with you. Let's be friends again!!! See you soon...

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Best Lipstick Shade Ever AND Less than $2 to boot??

So I'm Back!! I can explain where I been but you will have to follow me to my personal blog... . In any case, I'm HAD to write about this lipstick I can across at the drugstore. ( And no they are not paying me to say this) I have already bought 4 backups of it just in case. It's the Wet'n'Wild Silk Finish Lipstick in 560B & Secret Muse is the color. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!  I have been wearing it almost every day since I got it. It's a better than your lip color shade with a rosy/ mauve undertone. It goes with a lot of makeup looks. And depending on where you go it's less than a dollar. I went to Walmart and it was less than a dollar. I went too Walgreens and it was 1.19 there. I also just checked Wet'n'Wild's own website and it's .99 cents there. It's creamy not drying. When I eat most of it stays on. When it wears off it doesn't look weird it just fades. In any case, if you been looking for a good better than your own lip color lipstick, this one is it!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ruby Kisses Cream Licious Triple Butter Matte Cream

So I'm loving these kiss lip creams I found at the beauty supply. I saw that they say they have three different types of butters so I wanted to give one a try. I loved it so much I went crazy on my birthday and bought the rest of the line on a website. So here are the swatches. I hope you like them but the ones that I have tried so far I like a lot.  They are not as drying as other matte lipies I have tried and they were a super nice deal @ $ 2.99 each. Also, it takes a few minutes to dry so if you get it somewhere you don't want you can wipe it away. The applicator is one of those pointed triangles felt tips so its good for getting into the cupids bow and to outline the lips and then filling them in(Judy's observation ). I have been using a matching lip liner which makes the last a bit longer but much like most matte lipsticks when you eat or drink its best to take it all the way off and reapply because they look really dry and patchy. But most definitely give one of them a try. In my opinion, it's well worth it.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

My current favorite mascara!

OMG so I was at walgreens about a month ago and I happened to walk by a wet n wild display. So when I saw this I was like I HAVE to try this. I must say for a wet n wild mascara I thought it was a bit prisey because as we all know wet n is one of the most affordable brand out there it was 7.99 at my walgreens but it was WELL worth it. I have pretty long lashes as it is (a gift from my dad ) but as time has gone on...age I have noticed the density of my lashes has changed. Anyways this mascara makes them look like they are fake I LOVE it. So the first black tube is a very wet formula and also its a desent brush because it also seperates. Then you do the white tube which are these fibers which are white in color. The last step is to go back in with the  black tube and it just adds thickness and lenth. They look amazing! So a while back I had done a review on a product from essence that was just a pot of fibers you could use with a mascara provided and I did like that prodct but this one is better in my opinion for the simple fact that its pakaged better. If you have any quetions please feel free to ask me, I will do my best.

Thanks !

Saturday, October 26, 2013

* out of 5 Review: Maybeline eye studio dou felt tip eyeliner


Are you F****** kidding me? Oh HELL NO!! Just when I was trying to give felt tip eyeliners another chance. As you may recall one of the last blogs I posted was of the review of the Loreal super slim eyeliner, which I love. Well that opened the window for me to think that I might get lucky again and find another felt tip eyeliner to love. I decided to get this one because I saw on the commercial in which it says it is supposed to be versatile and be able to make two lines, one think one thin one. I thought was a cool concept... I should have not even wasted my money on this one cause it was awful! To tell you that I never got it to come out to any shade that was dark enough for me to even try it on my eye!  When I first opened it I tried it on my hand and it was so see through  and watery that I didn't trust it to stay where I  put it. The back of the packaging says to shake well, so I did what it said. The shaking helped a little but not really that much. I can't post the pic cause I think in a rage I might have thrown it away- but trust me the whole back side of the packaging was filled with failed attempts. I spent about 8 bucks at Wal-Mart for it and if I would have found the receipt I would have took it back. But the good thing is that I can now tell you guys about it. Don't waste your money, it was not worth mine. If you have gotten this eyeliner and loved it, kudos to you but for me I will not be purchasing  this again. EVER! 

