Sunday, August 11, 2013

Loreal Infalable slim Eyeliner Review 4 out of 5 ****


I put this in my recent July favorites video and so I wanted to do a full on review of this product for you guys. So here it is. Let me give you a bit of a back ground on my felt tip eyeliner experience. My experience with felt tip eyeliners is very limited in recent years. Yes when I was in high school I used them but that was a LONG time ago and so I will only tell you about my recent history with them. In the last few years I have only bought two different ones. The Avon felt pen and the Jordana Fabuline. Looking back on those I think I would rate those a 2 star product, maybe not even that. Those really put me off of felt tip eyeliners so I really didn't care to try anymore until I kept seeing the commercial for this one. Having said all that I picked this one up, knowing that it was more than I paid for the other ones I just mentioned. So since the day I first put it one I loved it! It does what it says. It stays put and it provides a very thin line if that's your thing. And you can make a thick line if you like that too! It stays on and provided your eyes don't water will be on until you take it off. The line itself is pretty black and pigmented. Which is one of the reasons I didn't like the Avon or Jordana liners. When I made my favorites video I mentioned that I thought it was drying out but now I have come to the conclusion that it's not drying out it's more like the tip has collected some of my oils off my skin that it doesn't let the product seap through the tip and made less product to come out. Similar to the effect when you wet your potted eye shadows they build up residue on them, sometimes not letting you use them anymore . I happened to use it today in the morning and pressed the belly of the felt tip on my upper lash line (using the side) and it worked fine that way. Product worked beautifully as it had when I first started using it. So it's not drying out, it's just got a dirty tip. So now I'm forced to make a rating on it knowing that it's just me and my skin making it do this. Because I have yet to hear this problem coming from someone else. SO this rating is purly for me and my experience it works for me great but not awesome but its because of ME and my oily I hope that make sense. Anyways the good news is that it has opened my eyes as far as felt tip eyeliners go and I will be on the quest to find one that works better for me. When I find a better one I will let you know but for now this one will due until it dries out. :)



**update 08-15-2013: I totally forgot to mention something in my review which I think is awesome about it. The line it creates is not shiny...I know that I have heard that from other felt tips liners but this one does NOT do that. Just had to let know you about that too because for me that is a great thing.


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